Where are You?

 On the political spectrum.

 Imagine that. I am a…

You are a
Social Liberal
(81% permissive)

and an…

Economic Liberal
(18% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Okay, I tried posting the chart twice and it just doesn't want to show up. An interaction problem between OK Cupid and WordPress I don't yet understand? Who knows. I became a little more economically liberal the second time around but still fall squarely in the left-leaning Socialist quadrant. As it always was, so it always shall be.

Thanks to Scott at wanton deconstruction for pointing me to the OK Cupid Politics Test. 'Twas fun! I needed that.


  1. Mocha Said:

    Yep. Looks and sounds like a duck. It *is* a duck. All of this is very YOU. The green is soothing. I love it!

  2. madmom2 Said:


    Thanks, Kelly. You are my very first comment here. Shhhh…it's going to be a little secret for a while. I loved the green, too, though I find the bird and butterflies a little problematic.

    So nice of you to check out the place I'm probably going next! Hey, I just figured out the post/comments html editor. Life is good and I am so easily pleased!

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